Dry Shampoo
Lets go over some key things to know because we all love a good dry shampoo. Please remember that this is simply to help absorb extra oil at the scalp on days you don’t shampoo. Added lift, texture and make hair smell clean, but dry shampoo should not replace shampooing. Yes, the term “dry shampoo” can be misleading because it’s really more of a styling product than a cleanser so think of it as a hair refreshment, not a shampoo.
Correct Products
Before we get to the “process” remember the most important thing is to use the correct shampoo AND conditioner for your hair. Most salons offer consultations which is a great way to get a professional hair analysis of your hair. Often people say “oh I use a good shampoo” but is it the right shamppo for you? Picking a shampoo because of fragrance or because a friend recommended it is not a good idea.
I want my hair to smell like strawberries and unicorns 🍓 🦄 but I want improved hair health more because it determines how my hair looks. When you find the right product, be wary of where you purchase. There are a lot of “professional” products in drugstores and non salons. Professional lines do not sell to mass retailers. Fact, so if you buy a professional product, buy from a brand partnered salon. Otherwise it’s more than likely EXTREMELY expired (which is very bad for your hair and skin) or counterfeit.
Shampoo’s Job
PLEASE remember a shampoo’s purpose is to cleanse the hair. When you wash your face you clearing away dirt and oil to better receive the benefits of the serums and moisturizers to follow. Shampooing your hair is exactly the same. Putting far too many expectations on shampoo is a thing now. No point in buying expensive face wash and cheap shampoo because the principle is the same.
1) Rinse First
2)Shampoo Once, Maybe Repeat
3) Noodle Your Conditioner
The most important part of shampooing your hair is actually the conditioning. This is how your hair receives moisture and protein that help undo damage from heat tools so take your time! Most people spend too much time shampooing and not enough time conditioning. Drag fingers through your hair until you feel all hair is untangled. “Noodling” is gently raking your fingers(or wide tooth comb) through hair with the conditioner until there is no resistance and hair appears like noodles.
This is a Salon trick. Look for this “noodle” like look to hair to know it’s fully moisturized and the conditioner has been evenly distributed. Unless you have a shower mirror, just spend extra time massaging in conditioner until your hair feels completely smooth. This is especially important if your hair is curly as it helps the cuticle is lay flat. Also a good time to wad up the extra hair shed that comes out in your hand. Hair sheds around 100- 150 hairs a day so don’t freak out. Washing less means seeing more in your hairball when you shampoo.