How To Shampoo The Right Way

You may think a post on how to shampoo the right way isn’t necessary but hair washing can be confusing. Most of us were taught to wash hair every day growing up. Now pro’s recommend shampooing only a few times a week. With terms like sulfates and co-wash tossed... More

Hair Loss Prevention

Prevent Hair Loss Hair loss is becoming a big concern for many women. Products and pills to aid hair growth is a booming business. Before spending lots of money, there are some simple tips to assess and prevent hair loss.  Hair shed is normal. Hair naturally sheds up... More

Slimming Hairstyles

Slimming Hairstyles Slimming hairstyles can make you look thinner! Start with the haircut because a cut is the foundation of your style. Full faces need balance and proportion so try to avoid to extreme lengths because a very short haircut can make round faces appear... More

Get Real Hair Extensions

Years ago when I first became certified for hair extensions, the world of salon hair extensions was very different. At that time there were only a few salons in Kansas City offering them. Now it seems every salon offers some sort of hair extension. It has been quite... More